Creating writing competition ES Alicante



To promote our students’ literary creativity in different languages, the European School of Alicante is launching the Creative Writing Competition.

By entering you agree with the following competition rules:


  1. POETRY: poems on any topic of at least 10 lines, with or without rhyme.
  2. STORY WRITING: stories or any topic with a minimum length of 1 page on A4 size and a maximum of 3 pages on A4.


There are THREE categories for both poetry and story writing, namely:

         A. Students in S1 - S2

         B. Students in S3 - S4

         C. Students in S5 - S6 - S7


  1. In each of the six options 2 prizes will be awarded, namely:   

    - FIRST PRIZE: a gift token worth €60
    - SECOND PRIZE: a gift token worth €30
  2. The judges reserve the right not to give an award in one or more categories if they deem that no submissions meet the standards to earn an award. All decisions made by the judges are final.
  3. The prizes will be awarded at a ceremony organized by the School.



  1. The European School of Alicante Creative Writing Competition is open to all secondary school students.
  2. Students may submit as many entries as they want, provided they are written in different languages. Students may also submit two entries in the same language if they belong to different categories (i.e. a story and a poem in the same language).
  3. All entries will be submitted digital, by mail to , using the subject: Creating Writing Competition 2025.
  4. To ensure that judging of the entries is blind, the student’s name must NOT appear anywhere on the text. Each page of entry must carry the student’s pen name: i.e. ROWLING
  5. Each entry must be submitted by mail to in a file attached which states the student’s year group and the language of the entry followed by the student’s pen name, all in capital letters, as shown in this example: S5EN-ROWLING
  6. The deadline for entries will be 20.03.2025The jury's decision will be on April 19, 2025 and will be communicated in the following days.



The judges will be teachers from the 4 language sections, 1 teacher for each of the entrant's languages, and the School Librarian.


Winners agree to publication on the European School of Alicante website and social networks.