Exoneration COVID19


Dear families

Board of Governors approved document ref. 2021-01-D-24-en-2 Category III Tuition reductions linked to the COVID19 pandemic (written procedure started from 08/01/2021 to 22/01/2021).

The COVID19 pandemic is having a series of impacts on the normal functioning of our society. In the case of European schools, distance teaching and learning was introduced in spring 2020 in all schools and has been the only vehicle for teaching and learning activities for months.

In this context, reductions in school fees can be considered where parents can objectively demonstrate a link between their financial hardship and the COVID19 pandemic and where their annual income in 2020 is below the minimum threshold for regular reductions in school fees. Upon request, reductions can be applied retroactively to the 2019-2020 school year and to the 2020-2021 school year.

Application may be submitted exclusively by completing the application form published on the European School of Alicante website (to access you must use an office 365 account provided to students by the School, click on the link below) and attaching the required documentation no later than 12/04/2021.

In order to calculate the reduction, net available  household incomes  to the family during years  2019 and 2020  will be taken into account, including both income from work and property capital, provided that it proves the real income of the family.

To carry out this calculation, income from all members of the family unit will be taken into consideration, compulsorily.

If all the comprehensive documents of the net household  incomes  of all the members of family unit are not received, the application will not be processed.

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